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Marble Surface

Pang Sze Pui, Tracy

A Cosmetic Beauty Specialist & A true Artist



認可資格 Certificate



歐美 PHIREMOVAL 紋繡除色畢業


歐洲 Linda Paradis -ICY LIPS 水晶唇半永久化妝畢業

以色列 NPM 毛囊仿真髮畢業

韓國 KIBM 半永久化妝畢業

韓國 NEW TOUCH 半永久化妝畢業

韓國 IBIA 半永久化妝畢業

About Me

Tracy Pang – A Cosmetic Beauty Specialist & A True Artist

Tracy Pang, founder of AT Beauty, raised the bar of eyebrows and eyelashes with personalized techniques in semi-permanent makeup she had mastered. She is dedicated to helping you create the perfect look that suits your needs, face shape, and personal style. As no two faces are the same, she guarantees personalized services to enhance your natural, authentic beauty.


Beginning with her love for painting and sketching, she has showcased her passion and natural ability to creating beauty from a young age. She always loved expressing her creativity, even before she found she could also be a cosmetic beauty artist.


While dealing with sparse and thin brows her entire life, she saw the importance of semi-permanent makeup as it can allow a person to feel more confident and happier in their own skin. By continuing her artistic passions, she desired to first master microblading and then onto other semi-permanent makeup treatments. Throughout her personal and professional journey, she understands how a simple eyebrow or eyelash transformation can make you feel beautiful on the outside and the inside.

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Tracy Pany — 美容專家  真正的藝術家 【將藝術注入生活中】
AT Beauty創辦人Tracy Pang 從小就熱愛繪畫和素描,對「美」有獨特觸覺。她喜歡發掘生活的新事物,再加上創意,將藝術注入生活中。在她任職化妝師的時候,發現不少顧客也有眉毛稀疏的現象,除了削減氣息神韻,更會影響外觀。 她看到「仿真飄眉」的重要性,因為一對獨特、自然、充滿朝氣的眉毛能令人 更有自信和更快樂! 所以她以創辦 AT Beauty,意思就是「美麗的時刻」。由於沒有兩張完全相同的面孔,她的目標是透過半永久化妝技術,為每位顧客提供個性化服務,打造適合顧客需求、臉型和個人風格的完美妝容,重塑他們的獨特個性,展現真我美感。

PhiBrows- The Certification of Our Choice

仿真飄眉(PhiBrows) – 專業服務保證,仿真飄眉是國際知名的飄眉技術,技師必須經過嚴格的培訓和評估過程才能獲得專業資格。Tracy是行內少數能獲得「美國PhiBrows證書」和「美國 PhiRemoval 除色認可證書」的美容專家。此外,她更獲得法國及韓國等不同美容及專業化妝課程專業資格,她將藝術才華與專業技術結合,加上認真與精益求精的服務態度,確保每位顧客滿意在AT Beauty「美麗的時刻」。 仿真飄眉講求眉形的對稱性和完美感,著重客戶的面部特徵和黃金比例。相比韓國直眉毛風格,仿真飄眉能造出更逼真、自然和個人化的效果;給顧客度身訂造的選擇。除此以外,AT Beauty 還提供其他服務,滿足顧客對眉毛和睫毛的所有需求, 包括:改眉/ 洗眉/ 美瞳線/ 孕睫術/ 角蛋白美睫術等。 AT Beauty保證每位顧客獲得的個人化體驗,每天都能毫不費力地展現充滿個性及自信的美感。

Relying on innovative and modern technologies, PhiBrows is an internationally renowned European microblading technique. Taught by one of the few PhiBrows Masters in Hong Kong, Tracy obtained an Artist certification herself. As a PhilBrows student, she underwent rigorous training and evaluation processes to give you the personalized, natural brows you deserve.


PhiBrows allows precise hair strokes, perfect symmetry, and perfect brow shape that complements each client’s facial features and golden proportions. Unlike the Korean straight brow style trend, PhiBrows allows a more realistic, natural, and customizable effect. With the unique combination of her passion for arts and expertise as a certified PhiBrows artist, she ensures that you will get your ideal perfect eyebrows.



AT Beauty is a semi-permanent makeup boutique center that provides a wide range of personalized services that accommodate all your brows and eyelash needs. Our services include lash lift, brow tattoo removal, and natural eyelash or eyebrow growth treatments. After you have booked a treatment by appointment, you will get a guaranteed personalized experience that sets to make you feel effortlessly beautiful every day.

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